Combining Usui, Shamanic, and Angelic Reiki, Crystal healing, chakra balancing, akashic records, spiritual guidance

Here we will combine spiritual rituals and healing modalities from all over the world, from ancient to new. We are all connected as one. ❤️

Meet Shell!

Hello beautiful beating hearts!

My name is Shell. I started my my Rieki practice with in person training from my first reiki master who had been practicing for over 20 years around the world. Once I put many hours in person to get to level 2 Reiki practitioner I moved on to getting my level 3 Master certification. I continued to learn through multiple Reiki Masters and each person provided a multitude of techniques, which I combine into my own personalized practice. I am happy to teach and certify you to become a Reiki Practitioner but I don’t offer it on my website. I’d prefer you reach out to me and we set up a consultation.

-Multi Cultural Healing -
I’ve always been interested in multi cultural spiritual experiences/ practices. So, I signed up for a very detailed course with the Transformation Academy in order to learn Shamanic healing and how to spread that culture of love along with Reiki. My goal is to incorporate all different types of Spiritual healing modalities that have stood the test of “space and time” here on Earth and on the astral plane. I am certified in Reiki levels 1, 2, and 3, Shamanic Life coaching, Celtic Shamanism, Past life regression, Akashic Records level 2, Aura reading, Crystal healing, Psychic readings, Tarot/Oracle, Mediumship, and Herbalism. All of these modalities are used to transform our collective into a higher vibration and help us all shine our light.
Ask to see my certificate portfolio 📑